Monday, January 25, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Story Boards

I'm still not sure exactly about the flow of the story, but I think this is a good start.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Small Clarification

(Please imagine that I'm typing this while giggling and smirking to myself)

My dear teacher... V... On that first day of class when you were trying to help me come up with a better punch line to the concept. You kept referring to APZ as a pirate, thinking maybe perhaps to play to that subject matter to find a better joke.

But let me clear this issue up. APZ IS me! It is mearely a cartoon version of myself. I indeed dress that way.

So Yes... APZ looks like a pirate because... well... I am a pirate!

Initial Concept

This was hatched during the first day of class on Monday January 11 2010.

The current idea is that APZ (ie: a characterized version of myself) finds a magical wishing well and drops a coin in wishing for a "Beautifull woman to sweep him off his feet" He waits a moment, decides to leave, and turns around to run into a giant high heeled shoe larger than he is. He looks up and as he reacts with horror a giant straw broom (obviously being used by the giant woman) sweeps APZ away like a bug.

Influences: Daffy Ducks Fantastic Island and Jack and the Beanstalk

That's about as good as I can figure it and still be able to complete the project on time. Obviously it could work just as well if I have a regular sized woman who then knocks APZ's feet out from under him. But it's probably better this way because of the absurdity factor, I feel it adds more interest and appeal to this animated short. Also, it's better this way not being able to see anything of the giant woman except her shoes the lower leg, the rest of her can be cleverly obscured with fog and animated clouds layered onto the video. That way I can streamline this Project Workflow (I like that term more than 'pipeline') and hopefully be able to complete this successfully and have it be enjoyable.

Monday, January 11, 2010

First Day of Class

This blog represents the progress of my "3D animation Studio" class at the Art Institute of Austin. If more than 1 person sees this, I'll truly be amazed!